Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
This research aims to discover the organizational philosophies of Laweyan Batik businesses in Surakarta City, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This research was conducted in Mahkota Batik, Putra Laweyan Batik, Gres Tenan Batik, and Merak Manis Batik production houses. This research used the descriptive-qualitative method. It employed the case study approach. Research results showed the organizational philosophies of the Laweyan Batik production as follows: (1) it emphasizes professional character, through the application of the “urip iku urup” Javanese philosophy that means “living is struggling”, (2) it applies the organizational philosophy of togetherness, by applying the Javanese philosophy of “mangayu bagya” (collective happiness), (3) it applies the organizational philosophy of humanity through the application of the “golek sampurnaning urip” (seeking the perfection in life) Javanese philosophy, (4) it emphasizes the value of skill and creativity by applying the “sepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe” (less talking, more working) Javanese philosophy. The application of these organizational philosophies that are based on Javanese philosophies allows the Laweyan Batik businesses to have unique characteristics that are different from other local groups.
Apr 16, 2024
Apr 2, 2024
Edition name | Date |
Hakim, Lukman, The Organizational Philosophies of Laweyan Batik Businesses in Surakarta, Indonesia | Apr 16, 2024 |
Egorov, Vladimir Inshakov, Andrey Chigarev, Valentin Aleksandrova, Elena
Pylypiak, Oleksandr
Hakobyan, Armen Tshughuryan, Armen Martirosyan, Gevorg
Margaryan, Atom Margaryan, Andranik
Konovalova, Valeriya Mitrofanova, Elena Mitrofanova, Alexandra Gevorgyan, Rita