Koval, Ihor ; Romanova, Alona ; Farouq Ahmad Faleh Al Azzam ; Mueen Fandi Nhar Alshunnaq ; Dmytro Smotrych
Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
The study‟s primary goal is to determine the philosophical and legal foundations of the formation of the legal consciousness of an individual in the conditions of training a lawyer. Modern society is changing, transforming into a European-style society, and rethinking the laws of life is necessary for every person. Awareness of the changes in society, the role, place and significance of legal norms determine the changes in a person‟s consciousness, and therefore the issue of legal consciousness of a person arises especially acutely. The study of the phenomenon of human legal consciousness has significant scientific and practical value since it will solve several issues related to the development of the state, the further formation of European society and the participation of citizens in law-making will contribute to solving problems related to legal education and provision. As a result of the study, the main aspects of the philosophical and legal foundations of the formation of the legal consciousness of an individual in the conditions of training a lawyer were identified.
Apr 16, 2024
Mar 28, 2024
Kolisnichenko, Roman Tsumariev, Marat Melnyk, Nadiia Gorban, Iryna Marushko, Nadiia
Romashov, Roman Rakova, Elena Kovalev, Victor
Ortynskyi, Volodymyr Shamrayeva, Valentina Zeman, Ihor Lisna, Ivanna Valetska, Oksana
Slyvka, Stepan Harasymiv, Taras Levytska, Oksana Kolyba, Maksym Panchenko, Snizhana
Slyvka, Stepan Kolisnichenko, Roman Tsumariev, Marat Bandura, Ivan Gorkavchuk, Sandra
Didikin, Anton Kozhevnikova, Daria