Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
This article analyses the socio-cultural aspects of modern law in terms of philosophical and legal analysis and in the context of the changes that take place in the culture of the 19th-21st centuries. The objective of this work is to identify the discourse of today‟s cultural strategies and their reflection in law and legal culture. The article uses an arsenal of methodological tools of philosophical and legal analysis, a cultural methodology through which the values of modern society are revealed, as well as a methodology of historical and philosophical research. The main result of the work is to establish that modern law cannot be understood outside and regardless of its contextuality, as well as in accordance with the cultural logic and peculiarities of civilisational development in the context of globalisation. The main conclusion of the article is that the emergence of post-postcapitalism and the deepening of the consumer society result in a crisis of law and its excessive bureaucratisation and formalisation. The emerging cultural logic of metamodernism refers to such concepts as “structure of feeling”, “oscillation”, “communication”, “post-truth”, “totality” in order to restore the subject-orientation of law and give anthropological substance to the traditional concepts of “human dignity”, “freedom” and “justice”.
Apr 16, 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Edition name | Date |
Ziborov, Oleg, The Sociocultural Context in Law: Modernism - Postmodernism - Metamodernism | Apr 16, 2024 |
Kolisnichenko, Roman Tsumariev, Marat Melnyk, Nadiia Gorban, Iryna Marushko, Nadiia
Romashov, Roman Rakova, Elena Kovalev, Victor
Ortynskyi, Volodymyr Shamrayeva, Valentina Zeman, Ihor Lisna, Ivanna Valetska, Oksana
Slyvka, Stepan Harasymiv, Taras Levytska, Oksana Kolyba, Maksym Panchenko, Snizhana
Kolosov, Igor Sigalov, Konstantin Elizarovich
Kozhokar, Igor Sigalov, Konstantin Rusakova, Ekaterina
Malakhov, Valery Sigalov, Konstantin Lanovaya, Galina