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Muhammadiyah Organization’s Advocacy in Indonesia: Perspective of Transcendental Justice
Sanjaya, Fanny Dian ; Absori, Absori ; Dimyati, Khudzaifah ; Wardiono, Kelik
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Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
legal aid ; transcendental justice ; Indonesia
Legal advocacy in the form of legal aid is crucial for all people as the bad application of law enforcement ironi-cally leads to a condition where the law spoils some groups while simultaneously marginalizing others in society. Mu-hammadiyah, one of the largest Islamic organizations in In-donesia provides legal aid based on transcendental values to enforce one of its pillars, which is obeying all of Indonesia‟s laws and regulations. Methods: This research was carried out using the normative empirical method by combining the normative and empirical legal research methods through a judicial case study. This legal aids on the philosophical thougt to help the citizen without violates the rule of law. Result and Discussion: The laws applied for judicial review include laws on Oil and Gas, Hospitals, Social Organizations, and Water Resources. This legal aid emphasizes divine values sourced from religious teachings and philosophies to became a base of action. Legal aid etymologically means the effort to achieve virtues without violation, this means no need a van-dalism at al. Conclussion: Transcendental justice-based legal aid is also a basis on how the positive law on legal aid applies with the basis of the values of ethics, morals,and transcend-ence.
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