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Philosophical and Legal Essence of Control in Terms of Ensuring National Security
Kolisnichenko, Roman ; Tsumariev, Marat ; Melnyk, Nadiia ; Gorban, Iryna ; Marushko, Nadiia
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Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
philosophy ; control ; human rights ; philosophy of law
The main purpose of the study is to determine the philosophical and legal essence of control in terms of ensuring national security. In modern conditions, the rethinking of the fundamental philosophical and legal approaches to the interaction between the state and the individual, the citizen, and public mechanisms is of particular importance. Outdated ideological stereotypes associated with the dominance of the state and its interests in such interaction still prevail in the public philosophy of legal consciousness, which does not contribute to the modern understanding of the legal forms of state acts as a way to ensure the priority of human rights in the sphere of public power. In this regard, great importance is attached to the substantiation of new philosophical approaches to the assessment and formation of state activity. The most important type of such activity has traditionally been controlling and oversight, especially in the context of national security. As a result of the study, the main aspects of the philosophical and legal essence of control in terms of ensuring national security were identified.
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