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Chernogor, Nikolai ; Emelyanov, Alexander ; Zaloilo, Maksim
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Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
aesthetics of law ; convergent(NBICS) technologies ; legal gnoseology ; epistemology of law
Modern law falls into an “aesthetic” crisis, which must be considered as an expression of the structural crisis of law at the moment of its transformation from the state of a self-regulating system to a self-developing system. Postmodern law needs new legal patterns, which would allow returning the ease of perception of law and the beauty of the formulation of its prescriptions. In this regard, a revision of the methodology of social regulation and of knowledge of the law is required. The starting point is an appeal to the aesthetics of law. The final result is determined by the technological level. The objectives of the study are to establish the possibility of expanding the methodology of cognition of law through the methods of aesthetics and convergent (NBICS) technologies, as well as to determine the nature and extent of their influence on the methodology of social regulation. The introduction of aesthetic methods in the context of the development and implementation of NBICS technologies will allow us to establish the regularities of the genesis of law and the legal order, which will determine the main directions of overcoming the modern structural crisis in law.
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