Stadnichenko, Olga ; Kravchenko, Valentyna ; Laskava, Yuliia ; Bondarenko, Volodymyr ; Lenok, Mariia
սեղմիր այստեղ կապին հետևելու համար
Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
The philosophy of the image of a woman, her behaviour and functions in society have changed over time. The processes of transformation of the philosophy of the female image can be observed in fiction, which is a means of comprehending the life of previous generations. Therefore, female images help to know betterthe national character, national spirit, even the national idea of the philosophy of each nation. The study‟s main goalis to reveal the philosophy of the female image in the context of the social circum-stances of fiction. For a better understanding of the evolution and development of the philosophy of the female image in world literature, we have formed a morphological analysis of the image of a woman in fiction and a matrix of structural elements of the image of a woman in fiction in the context of different timeframes.
Apr 16, 2024
Mar 14, 2024
Հրատարակության անուն | Ամսաթիվ |
Stadnichenko, Olga, Philosophy of the Female Image in the Context of Social Circumstances in Fiction | Apr 16, 2024 |
Kryshtanovych, Svitlana Tieliezhkina, Olesia Chesnokova, Maryna Yemelianenko, Yevheniia Kravchenko, Valentyna
Ortynskyi, Volodymyr Shamrayeva, Valentina Zeman, Ihor Lisna, Ivanna Valetska, Oksana
Kolisnichenko, Roman Tsumariev, Marat Melnyk, Nadiia Gorban, Iryna Marushko, Nadiia
Slyvka, Stepan Harasymiv, Taras Levytska, Oksana Kolyba, Maksym Panchenko, Snizhana
Hakim, Lukman Abdullah, Irwan Sa’adah, Nurus
Baurina, Svetlana Pashkovskaya, Margatita Nazarova, Elena
Aleksandrova, Oksana Samoilenko, Olexandra Osadcha, Svitlana Grybynenko, Julia Nosulya, Anatoliy