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The German View on Modernism and Postmodernism
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Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
nature and reason ; romanticism ; modernism ; postmodernism self-reflection of art
This article examines the origins of modernism/postmodernism and their presentation in the light of aesthetic and philosophical treatises or literary works of Friedrich Schlegel, Heinrich Kleist, Friedrich Schiller, as well as in the triad model of the world history and the biblical story of the fall of the man. The common idea which lies at the basis of the works presented is the contrast between the principles of nature and reason and the search for opportunities for their synthesis. The central thesis of the article is to present the commonality between the maxims of modernism/postmodernism and early German romanticism, as well as to consider postmodernism as late romanticism with its inherent manneristic features. The basic concepts of modernism and postmodernism are presented through the prism of works and theories of Friedrich Nietzsche, Wolfgang Welsch, Christoph Bode, Rolf Günter Renner, as well as Victor Žmegač. The central concept in the article is the concept of self-reflection of literature and art as the most vivid feature of modernism and postmodernism.
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