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Crisis And Education: In Search Of A Functional Paradigm
Corporate Creators:
Խաչատուր Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
anticipation ; comparison ; compliance ; contemplation ; criterion ; discontinuity ; discrimination ; eloquence of experience ; expectancies ; harshness ofobjectivity ; impartiality ; instrumental ; methodological discourses ; networking ; POST-crisisschedule ; PRE-crisis schedule ; prudence ; stability ; system-based education ; vision ; WHILE-crisis schedule ; wisdom of obedience
The paper refers to the most recurrent concepts that are to be involved in the development of educational philosophy – relevant to emergency contexts, i.e. crises of social impact. The article aims to compile the set of key concepts that seem to be indispensable for the respective paradigm – necessary to define the required framework for overcoming the difficulties and tackling the issues caused by crises. The article makes use of a variety of concepts of philosophical discourse to cover all the possible instances of the educational realm.