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Խաչատուր Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
procedural component ; learning motivation ; learning actions ; reading comprehension ; focus group
The article focuses on the study of the procedural component of students' learning motives from the faculties of humanities of ASPU. As an academic task has been taken reading comprehension, and reading comprehension actions have been considered as procedural components of learning motives. The focus group method was chosen as an effective method for studying the abovementioned issue. The results of the focus group study, that's the variety of reading comprehension actions of students with different GPA (Grade Point Average) were revealed and grouped. The actions or strategies of medium and especially low GPA students are poor for ensuring deep comprehension of academic texts, which in its turn decreases learning motivation, while students with high-GPA mainly perform mental actions of different complexity levels for ensuring text comprehension which in turn increases intrinsic learning motivation.