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The Societal Crisis and The Human Dignity: Epistemological View
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Խ․ Աբովյանի անվան հայկական պետական մանկավարժական համալսարան
Uncontrolled Keywords:
dignity ; individual ; essentialist and relational views ; oikeiosis ; joy of life
The paper aims at emphasising the significances of the concept of dignity through the lens of the relational character of this concept. Even though it appeared in modernity as substantive/essence, as an autonomous state that might be attached to man – and it was developed in the frame of methodological individualism –, dig-nity is a construct depending on the historical and social relations, thus the culture and values dominant in a cer-tain time. And, because the consideration of the others is assumed by the individual who internalises the inter-twining and force of values in the way he seems to not detach his own being from dignity, the paper demon-strates that, although there is an ontological basis of dignity – the human conatus– the concept of dignity is in-comprehensible without connect it to, or more, without integrating it within the social complex.
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