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On The Method For Assessing The Quality Of E-Learning Resources
Grigoryan, Nana ; Harutyunyan, Yeranuhi ; Grigoryan, Zara
Corporate Creators:
Khachatur Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University
Uncontrolled Keywords:
e-learning resources ; analytic hierarchy process ; multi-criteria decision-making ; assessment ; learning process ; skills
Without the introduction of modern e-learning resources, it is hard to imagine a quality, understandable education that meets modern trends and standards. Under the current circumstances, one of the most important issues facing the world educational community is the problem of searching e-learning resources quality assessment methods. Assessment is a multi-criteria issue that is very relevant in the current trends of ICT-oriented education and requires the use of multi-criteria decision-making methods. The purpose of this article is to introduce an interesting approach for evaluating the quality of e-learning resources, based on the method of analysis of hierarchy. The presented method is not hard to apply; it is oriented for pedagogical purposes and can also be used in the decision-making process for any multi-criteria problem within the field of education.
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