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Psychological Views Of Stepanos Lehatsy
Stepanyan, Narine ; Nazaryan, Ani
Corporate Creators:
Khachatur Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University
Uncontrolled Keywords:
conscience ; sensitivity ; memory ; thinking ; imagination ; sensory knowledge ; intelligent knowledge ; experience
Stepanos Lehatsy is one of Armenia's greatest thinkers of the 17th century He is the author of many translations of philosophical works of worldwide significance, among which the most important are "Metaphysics" and "On the Soul" of Aristotle, together with the translator's comments, four famous works of Dionysius the Areopagite, "Jewish War” of Flavius Josephus, also Ecclesiasticus ("The Book of Sirach"), "The Quran" and other translations. Of his own philosophical works, “Banq imastasirakanq ev astvatsabanakanq hamarotabar ibr sahmanoren artadrealq ev havaqealq yst aybubeni” (“Philosophical-theological words, which are written in summary, that is, separated, grouped in alphabetical order", in Old Armenian (Grabar)) is a great value volume dictionary, in which apart from the philosophical, theological, ethical and aesthetic issues also psychological problems are discussed. From a psychological point of view, the most interesting is the theory of knowledge of Stepanos Lehatsy. Understandings on the human soul and will are also given in his psychological views.