Object structure

Journal or Publication Title:

Բյուրականի աստղադիտարանի հաղորդումներ: Երևանի աստղադիտարանի բյուլետեն = Сообщения Бюраканской обсерватории. Бюллетень ереванской Астрономической обсерватории = Contributions from the Burakan observatory. Bulletin of the Erevan astronomical observatory

Date of publication:









Features of a Sample of Star-forming Galaxies in two Adjacent SBS Fields


Hakopian, S. A.



Uncontrolled Keywords:

SBS survey ; Star-forming galaxies ; Classificatons ; Space ditribution




Some results are presented on studies of a sample of about hundred galaxies (“100SBS”) from two adjacent fields of SBS (Second Byurakan Survey), which have spectral data in SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey-www.sdss.org ).The work is carried out as a part of the long-term program (Hakopian, 2013) for in-depth study of the galaxies in seven selected SBS fields (including the two under investigation). Comparative analysis was done between two classifications that the 100SBS objects got - from one side Starburst or Starforming in SDSS, from the other - SfGcont and SfGneb, with a possibility of further detailing in accordance to our scheme for SfG, i.e. star-forming galaxies. Obtained results showed good perspectives in using of our scheme for differentiation of activity phases of SfGs and for better statistics and comprehensive studies. Space distribution of 100 SBS galaxies,what is important, homogeneously selected in continuous (32 sq.deg) area, was obtained using uniformly determined in SDSS redshift values.As it follows from the graphs plotted at 0.01 intervals the maximum of the distribution, with an equal number of Staforming and Starburst galaxies falls on the range 0.01<z<0.019. The minimum of the distribution falls on the range 0.02<z<0.029 and more expressed for Starbursts. Also some difference is discerned in a diversity of morphological appearance of the galaxies composing two neighboring to it intervals.







General note:

Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (ComBAO) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which publishes research in observational and theoretical astronomy/astrophysics and presents recent advances in these fields. It is being published by the NAS RA V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) in English in electronic form. The journal publishes original papers, review papers, brief reports, book reviews, special communications, observational and theoretical results in various fields of astronomy and related sciences, and some editorial notes, including anniversaries and obituaries. Under the heading “Legacy”, the renewed magazine will republish some old articles of high value in English. The heading “Guest articles” will bring to the attention of readers the articles of researchers who are not employees of BAO. ComBAO was founded in 1946 and regularly published in 1946-1990. However, the publication was interrupted because of the economic situation after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Location of original object:

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