Journal or Publication Title:
Date of publication:
Narrow band imaging survey of dark clouds
Movsessian, T. A. ; Magakyan, T. Yu. ; Dodonov, S. N. ; Andreasyan, H. R.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
Starformation ; Herbig-Haro objects ; jets and outflows
We present new results obtained in frames of the Byurakan Narrow Band Imaging Survey (BNBIS). Observations were carried out with upgraded 1 m Schmidt telescope of Byurakan Observatory. Main task of this survey is to search and to study the new Herbig-Haro objects and collimated outflows using narrow-band Hα and [S ii] images of some fields in dark clouds of Galaxy. And, because, Herbig-Haro objects are the main indicators of active starformation processes to fined regions where going on active starformation processes. Main targets of this survey are R associations, young stellar objects associated with compact reflection nebulae, but here we will mainly focused on deeply embedded infrared sources in molecular clouds. During this survey we plan to significantly expand the list of HH objects by using the high quantum efficiency of the system and the telescopes high focal ratio (F/2), which allows detecting low surface brightness objects as well as large field of view of Schmidt telescope.