Object structure

Journal or Publication Title:

Բյուրականի աստղադիտարանի հաղորդումներ: Երևանի աստղադիտարանի բյուլետեն = Сообщения Бюраканской обсерватории. Бюллетень ереванской Астрономической обсерватории = Contributions from the Burakan observatory. Bulletin of the Erevan astronomical observatory

Date of publication:









The State of Astronomy Education in Iran: Challenges and Solutions


Saeed Jafari



Uncontrolled Keywords:

Astronomy education ; Education and public outreach ; Amateur astronomy ; Innovationin astronomy communication ; Scientific literacy ; Iran




Astronomy has a long history in Iran. Our ancestors were pioneered in astronomy and from ancient years was an excelled country in the construction and use of astronomical buildings. Today, there are more than 200 local astronomical societies and centers in the country that the amateur astronomy community has played a signicant and in uential role in the education and promotion of astronomy to the general public since 2000. A greater part of astronomy education was provided by amateur astronomers through outreaching events, observing nights, and education and outreach projects. Another part of it has been disseminated by science journalists who are amateur astronomers and astronomy teachers in the media and newspapers. Considering the enormous potential that has existed in the growth and development of Iranians in the field of astronomy, in the meantime, challenges such as the specific cultural and social constraints for women's activities, lack of sufficient knowledge of the teachers as well as the training required for them, the lack of a standard curriculum for teaching astronomy and network of astronomy teachers, and also economic barriers, have caused socio-economic development and education through Astronomy to grow less in Iran. This survey suggests challenges for teaching astronomy in general.







General note:

Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (ComBAO) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which publishes research in observational and theoretical astronomy/astrophysics and presents recent advances in these fields. It is being published by the NAS RA V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) in English in electronic form. The journal publishes original papers, review papers, brief reports, book reviews, special communications, observational and theoretical results in various fields of astronomy and related sciences, and some editorial notes, including anniversaries and obituaries. Under the heading “Legacy”, the renewed magazine will republish some old articles of high value in English. The heading “Guest articles” will bring to the attention of readers the articles of researchers who are not employees of BAO. ComBAO was founded in 1946 and regularly published in 1946-1990. However, the publication was interrupted because of the economic situation after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Location of original object:

ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Հիմնարար գիտական գրադարան