Object structure

Journal or Publication Title:

Բյուրականի աստղադիտարանի հաղորդումներ: Երևանի աստղադիտարանի բյուլետեն = Сообщения Бюраканской обсерватории. Бюллетень ереванской Астрономической обсерватории = Contributions from the Burakan observatory. Bulletin of the Erevan astronomical observatory

Date of publication:









Studies of Seyfert galaxies in Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute


Denissyuk, E. ; Valiullin, R. ; Omarov, CH. ; Shomshekova, S. ; Krugov, M. ; Omar, B.



Uncontrolled Keywords:

AGN ; Seyfert galaxies ; emission lines ; individual objects ; NGC 4151 ; Ark 120 ; NGC 3227 ; NGC 1068




This article provides an overview of the main research results of a large group of Seyfert galaxies, carried out at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI) over the past 50 years. Spectral observations have been performed since 1970. At an early stage, a three cascade image-tube (UM-92) was used as a radiation receiver. In the 90s, the equipment was modernized, and at present, the modern CCD cameras are used as radiation detectors at the output of spectrographs. The results of observations were used to determine the absolute uxes of the emission lines and to study their profiles. Several additional emission features were detected on the wings of the broad emission lines Hα in the spectra of two galaxies NGC 4151 and Ark 120. These features are emitted by compact ionized objects, rotating in the field of Central Body (CB). Photometric observations of Seyfert galaxies have been carried out at FAI since 2010. Light curves of more than 20 Seyfert galaxies have been obtained. In particular, the light curves of the galaxy NGC 4151, obtained last years, shows that an active stage of its nucleus took place in 2015-2016, when the brightness increased by 0m:5 in the V filter, and by almost 2m in the R filter. Then, in 2018 - 2019 there was a rather sharp decline of brightness, and B V R magnitudes returned to their minimal values.







General note:

Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (ComBAO) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which publishes research in observational and theoretical astronomy/astrophysics and presents recent advances in these fields. It is being published by the NAS RA V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) in English in electronic form. The journal publishes original papers, review papers, brief reports, book reviews, special communications, observational and theoretical results in various fields of astronomy and related sciences, and some editorial notes, including anniversaries and obituaries. Under the heading “Legacy”, the renewed magazine will republish some old articles of high value in English. The heading “Guest articles” will bring to the attention of readers the articles of researchers who are not employees of BAO. ComBAO was founded in 1946 and regularly published in 1946-1990. However, the publication was interrupted because of the economic situation after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Location of original object:

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