@misc{Чобанян_А._В._Концептуализация, author={Чобанян, А. В.}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, abstract={In article is carried out the theoretical analysis of the concept of anticipation in the conceptualization of psychological and pedagogical support for children with the moderate intellectual disabilites and their families. The author based on the analysis of the scientific literature and practice found that the particular mental development of children with the moderate intellectual disabilites, cause difficulties in the process of socialization of children and determine the dependence of children with the moderate intellectual disabilites from the adults in their lifetime. It was noted that the ability to anticipate, predict the prospects of the life of a child with the moderate intellectual disabilites, is an important component in the development of educational attitudes of parents in the process of psycho-pedagogical support.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Концептуализация антиципации в психолого-педагогическом сопровождении}, keywords={Семья}, }