@misc{Torgomyan_Kristina_Integration, author={Torgomyan, Kristina}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={«Տնտեսագետ» հրատ․}, language={հy}, language={ru}, language={en}, abstract={The paper investigates the issues of teaching Business English vocabulary through the integration of online tools, such as mind maps and cue cards, its impact on the acquisition of new business vocabulary by learners of foreign languages, as well as suggested online tools, resources, and platforms to be thoroughly used by educators through mutual efforts of teachers and learners. The research carried out by prominent scientists and educators have been investigated and introduced in the paper. The purpose of the paper is to reveal online tools, platforms, and technologies to envision the efficiency of embedding technology in the process of teaching English in a blended learning modality. The urgent shift from offline to online or blended settings has urged educators to rise to the challenge, investigate, and later introduce novel methods of teaching Business vocabulary to students by entering a new learning environment. All the online platforms, tools, resources, websites, and ready works presented in the paper have been extensively used during our teaching process by proving their efficacy in the blended learning environment.}, title={Integration of Mind Maps and Cue Cards in the Process of Teaching Business English in Blended Learning Settings}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Teaching methodology}, }