@misc{Stepanyan_Vahagn_Symbolic, author={Stepanyan, Vahagn}, howpublished={online}, publisher={NAS RA}, language={en}, abstract={Armenia has entered the information age, and whether we embrace it or not, Armenian society has evolved into an information-based society. This shift has brought significant changes to Armenia's political landscape. Currently, there is a robust movement of political symbols and meanings in Armenia’s digital information sphere. This movement significantly amplifies the role and significance of symbolic politics in the country’s political arena. It's important to note that symbolic politics plays a pivotal role in shaping public perceptions of social reality. Moreover, in the information era, the relationship between authorities and society in Armenia is increasingly defined by symbols and images. The growing importance of symbolic politics in Armenia's information age presents novel challenges for political scientists. Although classical political science traditionally focuses on political processes and institutions, there is now a pressing need to study the symbolic dimension of politics. As a result, there is a demand for comprehensive research into the characteristics of symbolic politics in Armenia.}, title={Symbolic Politics: The Main Problems in Armenia}, type={Article}, keywords={Political Studies, Political Philosophy}, }