@misc{Shana_Van_Dyck_Be, author={Shana Van Dyck and Luca Fasola and Laura Suorsa and Salla Kunnari and Chamari Dasanayake}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, language={en}, abstract={Mental health difficulties across university student populations are seen as a serious problem as for universities as well as for their wider communities. Students can search, identify, and evaluate the problems and business opportunities and can come up with new solutions to those problems. During the process of solution search, students might be able to use the development tools and creativity models. The problem is more actual while dealing with students having learning disabilities. Thus, two main solutions were identified: the Emotion Tool and Be a Buddy.}, title={Be a buddy: an exercise in innovation and entrepreneurship}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Students, Higher Education}, }