@misc{Vandamme_Fernand_Jozef_Fostering, author={Vandamme, Fernand Jozef}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={Especially in the domains of business and management, it is vital that Intelligence as well as AI are to be taken good care of, directed and controlled by Wisdom inclusive by Artificial Wisdom: AW. This requires that Wisdom and Artificial Wisdom are made operational. In the past Wisdom received a lot of attention. The last decennia enormous efforts and investments was made on intelligence and AI. Scientific research and attention on wisdom was minimal. A lot of components of wisdom were elaborated in the Sumerian Mesopotamian cultures, in the Indian, Chinese Persian, Grec, Roman, Islamic cultures… These components of wisdom have still a lot of relevance. Only they have to be made operational in view of todays challenges, needs, requirements… From the large set of historical wisdom approaches (possible targets of other attempts for making them more operational), we overview, the Sumerian conflict resolution, the Illeism wisdom approach and the innovation approach within the Wisdom fractal frame (WFF) in view of elaborating an operational wisdom and artificial wisdom (AW).}, title={Fostering Intelligence and AI by an Operational Wisdom and Artificial Wisdom (AW)}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Social philosophy}, }