@misc{Meliksetyan_Karen_The, author={Meliksetyan, Karen}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={In the light of philosophy of law given scientific research is devoted to the disclosure of the essence and content of corporate liability, the identification of the features of the liability ofcorporate management bodies and the presentation of proposals for solving emerging problems. The article examines the issues of corporate liability, proposes its definition, and analyzes the features inherent in corporate liability in venture joint-stock companies.The scope of research embraces concepts, such as fiduciary duties (duty of care, duty of loyalty, the requirement for awareness and not allowing conflict of interests), business judgment rule, as well as the adverse effects of corporate offenses, corporate liability measures and specifics of liability applicable to venture joint stock companies.As a result, the concept of corporate liability was given, as well as the features characterizing such liability in venture joint stock companies were highlighted.}, title={The Liability of Corporate Governance Bodies as a Philosophical-Legal Category}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of law}, }