@misc{Fokina_Lyudmila_Human, author={Fokina, Lyudmila and Putrik, Iurii and Livanova, Rimma and Drobysheva, Nataliya and Rostovtseva, Polina and Agamirova, Ekaterina}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The article considers human rights and freedoms in the context of ensuring the balance of public interests. The nature of law, its goals, functions, and mechanisms for implementing and influencing the actors of public life have been topical issues of the theory and practice of regulating publicrelations and ensuring the stability of a state-organized society. Law is not a natural but rather a social phenomenon. It reflects socio-economic conditions of society and its spiritual culture. It is transformed into a legal reality through the worldview of social actors and its acceptance as a social value that realizes the goals of life. The stability and balance of social relations include the consolidated interests of society members, their culture, and the well-being of the people. Ensuring the balance of public interests requires observance of the principles of law. Administrative-legal relations arise in a special sphere of public life in connection with the implementation of executive and administrative activities by management bodies and officials. Under these conditions, the main features of administrative-legal relations that distinguish them from other public relations are the administrative powers of official administrative bodies and the imperative method which implies the inequality of participants in public relations.}, title={Human Rights and Freedoms: Ensuring a Balance of Public Interests}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of law}, }