@misc{Oganyan_Kadzhik_The, author={Oganyan, Kadzhik and Oganyan, Karina and Pyzh, Vladimir and Ermilova, Victoria and Chudaev, Mihail}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The article deals with the laws of social synergetic in the context of the relationship between social order and chaos. A special place is occupied by the analysis of Prigogine‟s paradoxes in the context of considering the synergetic philosophy of history. To solve the problem, the features, signs, and characteristics of the super attractor as one of the main mechanisms for the disclosure of social synergetic are identified and argued. The super attractor, as a product of the realization of the absolute ideal, and the people who make it up, have the ability to transform the world around them and themselves.}, title={The Philosophical Analyses of Synergetic Globalization Theories}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of history}, }