@misc{Ravochkin_Nikita_Philosophical-Linguistic, author={Ravochkin, Nikita}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={In recent decades, ideal factors have become an independent force for the implementation of social transformations. At the same time, the question remains debatable, what caused the change in the original meanings and, as a result, the unequal implementation of social ideas in practice. The methodology of linguistic analysis is considered. The importance of considering contextual realities for a more valid understanding of the transformation of the content of social ideas is determined. Changes in the meanings of the idea of freedom are analyzed. It is revealed which maxims were the cornerstones of English, American, French and Russian theorists. It is shown how the aspirations of actors can limit the implementation of freedoms in practice, depending on general social needs}, title={Philosophical-Linguistic Analysis of the Idea of Freedom}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy}, }