@misc{Siliutina_Iryna_Digital, author={Siliutina, Iryna and Marieiev, Dmytro and Marieieva, Tetiana and Hatsenko, Halyna and Smolina, Olha}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The modern educational space is permeated with elements of digitalization. Innovation has always been a chal-lenge for the education system, a traditionally conservative cluster of socio-cultural activity. The peculiarity of the digital transformation of modern education is the totality of this process, covering educational and methodological, organizational, and scientific components. Under such conditions, the formation of contradictions in education between scientific and technological and humanities-science dimensions is ob-vious. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify current educational strategies with a clear prediction of trends in the relationship between digitalization and humanization. Two models for the further development of the educational space are proposed - confrontation and interaction at the level: of human-technology. In this context, it is methodologically acceptable to use two scientific-philosophical methodologies: dialectics and synergetic. Consequently, modern education is at a kind of bifurcation point since the coexistence of innovative technologies with traditional humanistic principles is no longer possible in the existing worldview paradigm. It is only a matter of time before a new system of the reciprocal influence of digital technologies on humanistic principles emerges.}, title={Digital Transformation of Education and Humanization of Relationships in the Educational Environment: Some Aspects of Relationship and Mutual Influence}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Digitalization of education, Philosophy of education}, }