@misc{Uralbaeva_Sholpanay_Creativity, author={Uralbaeva, Sholpanay and Nataeva, Zalina and Kortunov, Vadim and Kapustina, Darya and Kotovchikhina, Natalia and Somov, Denis}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={Based on the analysis of fundamental worldview principles of the leading medieval philosophers – Aurelius Augustinus and Thomas Aquinas – the conceptual principles of the phenomenon of creativity in Medieval literature are es-tablished. It is concluded that human creativity in the medie-val Christian paradigm is associated with the divine, mani-festing as salvation through union with God. In medieval Christian philosophy, creativity is not just a person‟s action but also the appearance of a chance for a particular person to accept the new ontological status due to gravitating towards God and the Absolute.}, title={Creativity Phenomenon in the Context of Medieval Christian Philosophy}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of religion}, }