@misc{Khasuev_Aslanbek_Moral, author={Khasuev, Aslanbek and Kapustina, Darya and Nedosugova, Anastasia and Zabolotskaia, Irina and Shafazhinskaya, Natalia}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The notion of “conscience” is one of the most an-cient components of the axiological sphere, the central factor of a person‟s moral consciousness. The phenomenon is close-ly linked with the features of the ontological status of man in the world. The authors present the concept of conscience in the philosophical and religious tradition and examine the key ideas of Immanuel Kant‟s religious philosophy in connection with moral consciousness as the “voice of conscience”. The idea of heterodoxy and contradiction between Immanuel Kant‟s religious philosophy and Christian religious and phil-osophical tradition is substantiated.}, title={Moral Consciousness as the “Voice of Conscience” in I. Kant’s Religious Philosophy}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of religion}, }