@misc{Baghdasaryan_Jemma_Socio-Philosophical, author={Baghdasaryan, Jemma and Sedrakyan, Sedrak and Suiunalieva, Burulsun and Vladimirova, Oxana}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The article provides a justification for the need to study the socio-philosophical, socio-psychological and de-mographic problems of old age. The main problems of the elderly as a socially vulnerable group are considered.The article focuses on the main issues and problems of ageing, such as loneliness, deterioration of health, loss or re-duction of social ties, changes in interpersonal and family re-lationships, issues of ensuring livelihood, that is, problems that have their influence and impact on the tendencies of changing the meaning of life in this age period.The data of research both carried out by the authors and carried out on their initiative are presented. The article pre-sents the results of studies concerning the attitude of older people to the world around them, their assessment of the years they have lived and visions about the meaning of life of respondents in the Republic of Armenia, the Russian Federa-tion and the Kyrgyz Republic.The article focuses on the philosophical problem of the meaning of life - a topic that affects the interests of each per-son. Usually, this concept refers to the assessment of a per-son‟s entire life, and covers the problem of his interaction with the surrounding reality.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Socio-Philosophical and Socio-Psychological Problems of Old Age}, keywords={Social philosophy}, }