@misc{Humennyi_Mykola_The, author={Humennyi, Mykola and Anhelovska, Kateryna and Melnykova, Ruslana}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The peculiarities of stylistic narration of the novels by T. Hardy and Panas Myrnyi are considered in the article. We defined that historical and typological principles, being theoretically “disclosed”, have already contributed to defining a significant number of peculiarities of historical and literary development under any national conditions. All this, on the whole, gives the possibility to all-round studying the artistic cul-ture. We found out that using cultural data in the linguistic creation of the text is one way to acquire the style mastership. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarities of the stylistic narration in the novels by T. Hardy and Panas Myrnyi.The research subject is socio-psychological novels by T. Hardy and Panas Myrnyi.The methods such as historical-typological, historical-genetic, and historical-functional were used to achieve the goal.We underlined the fact that the prose of the mentioned authors is characterised by using different forms of narration: inner monologues and dialogues, recollections, letters and narrative elements. It contributed to the lyricism of the novel genre and sophistication of the composition of the novels, which let to transfer the plan of solving problems from the outer actions to the inner psychological plan}, title={The Novels by T. Hardy “Tess of the D’urbervilles” and “Loose” by Panas Myrnyi: Peculiarities of Stylistic Narration}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of language, Philosophy of literature}, }