@misc{Aleksandrova_Oksana_Composer‟s, author={Aleksandrova, Oksana and Samoilenko, Olexandra and Osadcha, Svitlana and Grybynenko, Julia and Nosulya, Anatoliy}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The composer‟s philosophical thinking category is actually significant; a stable approach to the phenomenon under study has not developed to this day. This phenomenon is a complex socially conditioned mechanism of creativity, which entails understanding and clarifying several philosophical and cultural categories, such as thinking, consciousness, worldview, style, writing technique, concept, cultural values. This research reveals the essence of such a phenomenon as the composer‟s philosophy of thinking in the interdependence‟s aspect of the worldview and writing technique. The fundamental approaches, methods and principles of research in composer‟s philosophical thinking area formed the methodological basis of this scientific article. The manifestations of the composer‟s thinking as an aspect of writing technique (thinking-writing) are considered. The philosophical type of worldview in the composer‟s work has been substantiated, and the primary forms of their manifestation in the musical text have been determined.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Composer‟s Philosophy: The Interdependence Between Worldview and Writing Technique}, keywords={Philosophy of Art}, }