@misc{Ovchinnikov_Alexey_Legal, author={Ovchinnikov, Alexey and Kozhokar, Igor}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The paper as a research subject deals with the importance of a new interdisciplinary trend in studying the law Ŕ legal theology. The authors argue in favour of acknowledging the value of the theological dimension of law and legal awareness for the contemporary post-secular world. The aim of this paper is to substantiate the theoretical and practical value of legal theology for investigating legal awareness, shaping legal culture and legal theology of the contemporary Russian state. As a result of the theological dimension of law, the paper also focuses on spiritual and moral grounds of legal awareness, which determine legal values, ideals and beliefs of a personality as well as primarily impact the related criminal behaviour. For these purposes, to investigate legal awareness of a criminal, the authors appeal to orthodox anthropology based upon patristic concepts and teachings on combating egocentrism and aggression, as well as the reflection of passions which generate, originate the basic negative motives of legal mentality and legal awareness of an individual. The legal theology actualizes the ascetic study of legal awareness and enables in the context of the post-secular world to mobilize religious feelings and concerns in order to establish a steady rule of law.}, title={Legal Theology in Interdisciplinary Discourse}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of law}, }