@misc{Humeniuk_Iryna_Philosophy, author={Humeniuk, Iryna}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={This article analyzes various lingual and extra-lingual researches on the colour of red. It compares the symbolic meanings of the colour that used to be and still are specific for different cultural communities. The objective of the article is to identify peculiarities in the interpretation of red in the subjective world of sensation and the objective world of fact and to provide the full study of this colour perception and categorization based on phraseology.Colour lexis is a multidimensional phenomenon which, at a conceptual level, demonstrates a vivid example of a change in the process of individual cognition of the world and confirms the thesis about the need for multi interval thinking, which allows one to observe any object from different cognitive standpoints. The main conclusion of the article is that the study of the relations between linguistic and extralinguistic meanings of colour in the semantics of idioms should necessarily focus on the essential task of anthropocentric phraseology as those figurative expressions that are associated with cultural and national standards, stereotypes, mythologisms for a certain community mentality, which serve as spiritual equip-ment, psychological tool fixed and phraseologized in languages precisely.}, title={Philosophy of Red Color: Linguistic and Extralinguistic Aspects}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Philosophy of Art}, }