@misc{Stepanyan_Andranik_Critical, author={Stepanyan, Andranik}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The goal of this article is to critically examine the essence and scope of philosophy of religion, its place and relation to philosophy and religious studies. The philosophy of religion is interrelated with philosophy and religious studies and is an interdisciplinary field of study. Being an inter-disciplinary field on the boundary of philosophy and religious studies and as a phenomenon of western rationalistic tradition philosophy of religion is engaged in conceptual and theoretical examination and analysis of the content of religion. Philosophical reflections on religious matters, concepts, claims and practices, the origin of religion, the relation between religion and other fields of knowledge and culture, and so on, are the scope of philosophy of religion. It is based on a rational approach. One of the functions of philosophy of religion is to verify from the standpoint of logic whether the religious or theological claims and statements are trustworthy and rational, true or false. From this viewpoint, philosophy of religion ought to be, to some extent, a normative discipline, a feature that has been overlooked by many scholars and philosophers of religion. The aim of this discipline is the philosophical examination and understanding of the phenomenon and essence of religion.}, title={Critical Remarks on the Essence and Scope of Philosophy of Religion}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Religion}, }