@misc{Petrosyan_Astghik_Methodological, author={Petrosyan, Astghik}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={The article analyzes issues of political participation. The article discusses main stages and fea-tures of formation of the concept of political participation in sociology and political science. Definition of political participation is offered based on the analysis of the interpretations available in professional literature. Political participation is involvement of citizens (in the broader sense including public subjects like organizations, groups, etc.) in political processes, decision making ceremonies, as well as citizen influence on the formation of political systems and institutions, their operation, drafting political decision. Several classifications of political engagement are observed: conventional and unconventional; orthodox and unorthodox, offensive; latent and evident; individual and collective; direct and indirect; acceptable active, acceptable passive, unacceptable active and unacceptable passive, and so on.}, title={Methodological Analysis of Political Participation Indicator Evaluation Tools}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Political institutions, Sociology}, }