@misc{Apostolopoulou_Georgia_Panayotis, author={Apostolopoulou, Georgia}, address={Երևան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Տիգրան Մեծ}, language={en}, abstract={Panayotis Michelis focuses on Plato’s and on Hegel’s dialectics, because these philosophers put the ques-tion of art on the highest level of truth. He, however, argues that they pose a ‛outside dialectics’ on art, because they consider truth as metaphysical truth and then they maintain art fails more or less to manifest this truth. Michelis develops a dialectics of synthesis as a ‛dialectics in art’ and vindicates the place of his aesthetics be-tween philosophy of art and history of art.}, title={Panayotis Michelis’ Critique of Dialectics}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Epistemology, Argumentation}, }