@misc{Avetisyan_Armen_Creation, author={Avetisyan, Armen}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Զանգակ հրատ.}, language={en}, abstract={The aim of this study is to clearly define creativity as a means of reflecting a person’s psyche, linking it to creation from the perspective of different researchers. Literature review as a research method has been used for theoretical analyses of the existing literature reflecting the personality and creativity. This paper discusses literature review as a methodology for conducting research and offers an overview of different researchers on the topic of the study. The analysis of the research results made it possible to compile understanding of creation or creativity as a meaning of personal psychology from the perspective of different authors. Results of the study indicate that creativity itself is quite complicated and it applies on in each component of the personality and still the reflection is different and ideology behind various from different perspectives. Still, there is no any unique understanding of creativity or creation while talking about personal psychology.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Creation As A Meaning Of Personal Psychology}, keywords={Psychology}, }