@misc{Abrahamyan_Avetik_The, author={Abrahamyan, Avetik}, howpublished={online}, publisher={NAS RA}, language={en}, abstract={One of the main trends in the development of the modern world is globalization, a process the explanation of which often prompts representatives of one well-known parascientific movement to think about a worldwide conspiracy. Although the methods and goals of the above specialists are constantly criticized by “normal” academic science representatives, it is necessary to recognize the validity of some of their considerations. How else can we explain the blurring of boundaries between nations, languages, and cultures, if not by the orientation and controllability of these processes? In modern times, the borders between the sexes are also getting erased. Male and female beginnings are increasingly rarely presented as sortal concepts. Now, they are only non-exclusive qualities inherent in all people in different proportions if we believe in Western science. Even in modern times, politics is undergoing changes. Its vectors change, and new relations between power structures are created.}, title={The Dichotomy of Male and Female in the Context of theDistinction between Domestic and Foreign Policy in the Philosophy of Socrates}, type={Article}, keywords={Political Studies, Political Philosophy}, }