@misc{Nazaryan_Hayk_Military-Technical, author={Nazaryan, Hayk}, howpublished={online}, publisher={NAS RA}, language={en}, abstract={Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India were established on August 31, 1992. Last year political-economic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India grew fast, which also contributed to the development of military-technical cooperation between the two states. Especially, military-technical cooperation grew in 2022. This is determined by the fact, that after the invasion of the Russian armed forces of Ukraine, the Russian Federation cannot realize military contracts of supplying armament to Armenia. As a result, Armenia is trying to find other suppliers for recovering its heavy losses of military equipment, during the 44-day war. At the same time, India has been making focused efforts to increase defense exports in the scope of the ‘Make in India’ program. In fact, Armenia becomes the main importer of Indian-made weapons. The military-technical cooperation between the two states creates a possibility for Armenia to get access to new military technologies, including western advanced technologies, which are used to develop the military-industrial complex of India}, title={Military-Technical Cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India}, type={Article}, keywords={Political Studies, International relations}, }