@misc{Yesayan_Arpine_Russian-Turkish, author={Yesayan, Arpine}, howpublished={online}, publisher={NAS RA}, language={en}, abstract={Energy cooperation takes an important place in Russian-Turkish relations, and it is not merely for economic benefits. Its importance goes beyond it and serves as a restraint from direct clashes between the two countries in the context of their competition areas and clashes of interest putting the two countries economically interconnected. Besides, Turkey’s geopolitical value in the context of the EU energy crisis also rises as an alternative energy route for the EU to bypass Russia. On the other hand, Russia and Turkey successfully cooperate around common energy route projects, as Russia in its turn is eager to export gas bypassing Ukraine. Taking into consideration the geopolitical processes Russia and Turkey will continue to cooperate in the field of energy which is their main cooperation area due to which they avoid serious tensions and overcome crises in their relations.}, title={Russian-Turkish Relations in the Context of Energy Cooperation}, type={Article}, keywords={Political Studies, International relations}, }