@misc{Mickaelian_A._M._Markarian, author={Mickaelian, A. M.}, howpublished={online}, language={en}, abstract={Markarian survey (or the First Byurakan Survey, FBS) was the first systematic survey for active galaxies and was a new method for search for such objects. Until now, it is the largest objective prism survey of the sky (17,000 deg2). It was carried out in 1965-1980 by B. E. Markarian and his colleagues and resulted in discovery of 1517 UV-excess (Markarian) galaxies. They contain many active galaxies, as well as powerful gamma-, X-ray, IR and radio sources (Mrk 180, 231, 421, 501, etc.), BCDGs (Mrk 116) and interacting/merging systems (Mrk 266, 273, etc.). They led to the classification of Seyfert galaxies into Sy1 and Sy2 and the definition of Starbursts (SB). Several catalogs of Markarian galaxies have been published (Bicay et al., 1995, Markarian et al., 1989, Mazzarella & Balzano, 1986, Petrosian et al., 2007) and they are accessible in all corresponding databases. Markarian survey also served as a basis for search for UVX stellar objects (including QSOs and Seyferts), late-type stars and optical identification of IR sources. At present the survey is digitized and DFBS database is available. We review the main characteristics of the Markarian survey, its comparison with other similar surveys and the importance of Markarian galaxies in modern astrophysics.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Markarian survey and Markarian galaxies}, keywords={Astronomy}, }