@misc{Ադամյան_Ալիսա_Մոսկվայի, author={Ադամյան, Ալիսա}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան}, language={hy}, abstract={The Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, established in 1815 by the Lazarev (Lazarian) family, was an educational institution, a large center for Armenian Studies and Oriental Studies, the cultural center of the Armenian diaspora in Russia. In 1829 in June the Lazarevs (Lazarians) established the publishing house next to the Institute. By releasing literature and textbooks in Eastern and Western languages, by publishing translations, research, the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages has made a great contribution to Armenian Studies. The aim of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages was to become a center of national education, to preserve the spirit of national self-knowledge, to train teachers for Armenian schools and clergy for the Armenian Apostolic Church. At present, the National Library of Armenia has 25,046 books from the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages.}, title={Մոսկվայի Լազարյան ճեմարանի գրադարանը}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Մշակութային ժառանգություն}, }