@misc{Զարգարյան_Տիգրան_Գրադարանային, author={Զարգարյան, Տիգրան}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան}, language={hy}, abstract={The department of “Library Information Sources” of the International Scientific and Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia was founded in 2009 within the framework of EU 145021 – Tempus–2008UK-JPCR international project. The establishment of the department was conditioned by the necessity of preparing highly qualified staff in the area of digital library projects. The students having completed this Master Study program are ready to work in the areas of library administration, public and technical services, information and bibliography, as well as in public, school, academic and special libraries. The paper presents goals of the department, and subjects and credits earned by the students.}, title={Գրադարանային կրթության դերը Հայաստանում XXI դարի քաղաքացու պատրաստման գործում}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Գրադարանային կրթություն}, }