@misc{Սուքիասյան_Գագիկ_Գրադարանային-մատենագիտական, author={Սուքիասյան, Գագիկ}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Հայաստանի ազգային գրադարան}, language={hy}, abstract={The research showed that the library-bibliographic profession had occupied an irreplaceable position in the system of development of higher education and science of Armenia. It becomes obvious and well-founded the fact that without the presence of professionals and without the possession of fundamental library bibliographic and professional knowledge it is impossible not only the organization of the work of library but also it is impossible to actualize objective service in the socialcommunicative and documentary-informational systems. The problem of library science, bibliography and books’ science is to stimulate the perfection of modern library-informational and bibliographic activity, the advance of the cognitive role of libraries in Armenia and out of borders of Armenia.}, title={Գրադարանային-մատենագիտական բարձրագույն կրթության պատմությունից}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Գրադարանագիտություն, Մատենագիտություն}, }