@misc{M._Alexanian_Quantum, author={M. Alexanian}, howpublished={online}, abstract={We determine the Rabi oscillations for coherent and squeezed coherent states via one- and two-photon atomic transitions in two- and three-level atoms, respectively. The effect of squeezing coherent states is to reduce the large number of photons of mesoscopic scale to fewer photons and so be able to use numerical solutions with the aid of the Jaynes-Cummings model. We maximize the squeezing of the coherent state by minimizing the ratio of the photon number variance to photon number, thus narrowing the region where revival occurs.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Quantum Rabi Oscillations in Coherent and Squeezed Coherent States Via One- and Two-Photon Transitions}, keywords={Physics, Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity}, }