@misc{A._P._Djotyan_Interaction, author={A. P. Djotyan and Avetisyan, A. A. and K. Moulopoulos}, howpublished={online}, abstract={In this work we investigate the binding energy of excitonic states generated by an electromagnetic field of laser radiation in bilayer graphene with an energy gap opened by perpendicular electric field (by gate voltage). For this purpose we use tight-binding approach and the second quantized Hamiltonian. For Coulomb problem in gapped bilayer, an analytical method based on a variational approach is also suggested. The binding energy of an impurity electron in bilayer graphene is studied by this method and it is shown that the energy is tunable by the gate voltage in the region about ten meV.}, type={Հոդված}, title={Interaction of Electromagnetic Field with Gated Graphene Bilayer}, keywords={Physics, Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity, Optics}, }