@misc{G._H._Shahkhatuni_Conductometric, author={G. H. Shahkhatuni and V. M. Aroutiounian and V. M. Arakelyan and M. S. Aleksanyan and G. E. Shahnazaryan}, howpublished={online}, abstract={ZnO doped with 2 at.% La gas sensitive thin film was deposited on the Multi-Sensor-Platforms by the rf magnetron sputtering method using ZnO doped with 2 at.% La ceramic target prepared by us. Palladium catalytic particles were deposited by ion beam sputtering method on the surface of the sensing layer. The sensitivity of semiconductor film to low concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapors was measured at different operating temperatures. It was found that the ZnO+2 at.% La film has shown high sensitivity to low concentration of hydrogen peroxide vapors at different operating temperature started from room temperature.}, title={Conductometric sensor for hydrogen peroxide vapors detection}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Physics, Instruments, apparatus, components common to several branches of physics}, }