@misc{M._Ghannad_Dezfouli_EXPERIMENTAL, author={M. Ghannad Dezfouli and K. G. Truni and V. Gh. Mirzoyan}, howpublished={online}, abstract={Integrated intensity of diffracted of X-ray beams was registered from single crystal of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) in the Laue geometry under influence from different temperature gradient and was observed a minimum in integrated intensity dependence on the temperature gradient. Formula for integral intensity of reflection in crystals with weak deformation has been applied to reflecting planes and extracted values of χih and χrh (the imaginary and real parts of coefficient of Fourier expansion of polarizability). Similarly, this method was used for KDP crystal and the results are compared with theoretical values.}, title={EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF REAL AND IMAGINARY PARTS OF FOURIER-COEFFICIENTS OF POLARIZABILITY OF ADP AND KDP CRYSTALS BY DYNAMICAL DIFFRACTION OF X-RAY}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Physics, Atomic and molecular physics}, }