@misc{A._Z._Adamyan_IMPROVEMENT, author={A. Z. Adamyan and Z. N. Adamyan and V. M. Aroutiounian and K. D. Schierbaum and S. D. Han}, howpublished={online}, abstract={The sol-gel derived thin-film SnO2 hydrogen gas sensors sensitization and parameters stabilization by specific treatments methods are presented. It is established that presented annealing treatment regimes and initial operation mode leads to rise in the sensors sensitivity by more than two orders of magnitude, as well as to improvement of the sensor parameters stability in time. It is shown that stability of the sensors parameters remains also under long-term operation of the sensors in high humidity conditions. Obtained experimental data are in good accordance with known theoretical results.}, title={IMPROVEMENT AND STABILIZATION OF THIN-FILM HYDROGEN SENSORS PARAMETERS}, type={Հոդված}, keywords={Physics, Instruments, apparatus, components common to several branches of physics}, }